Vabilo na redni občni zbor SMD

Spoštovane članice in člani SMD! 


Upravni odbor Slovenskega mikrobiološkega društva sklicuje redni občni zbor SMD in sicer včetrtek, 30. marca 2023 ob 15.00  preko videokonferenčne povezave 

Dnevni red občnega zbora: 

  1. Otvoritev občnega zbora in imenovanje organov 
  2. Predavanje dr. Mitja Zdouc: Applying the FERMO analytical platform in antibiotic screening of bacterial extracts
    The worldwide increase in anti-microbial resistance calls for the development of new antibiotics. Microorganisms are prolific producers of antibiotics, but the screening for new anti-microbials is complicated by the common re-discovery of already known molecules. Therefore, prioritization of candidate molecules with high probability of novelty is an essential step, which is currently limited by the low throughput of manual analysis. To accelerate the prioritization process, we developed FERMO, a dashboard application that automatically combines liquid chromatography mass spectrometry data of microbial extracts with bioactivity and other metadata. The FERMO analytical platform annotates detected compounds, correlates them with biological activity, estimates their novelty, and assesses the overall chemical diversity of the extracts. This allows to prioritize the most promising extracts and compounds in terms of diversity, novelty, and bioactivity, as demonstrated in a case study on actinomycetes. FERMO is open-source and freely available as stand-alone application for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  3. Poročila članov upravnega odbora o delu SMD v letu 2022 
  4. Zaključno finančno poročilo za leto 2022  
  5. Program dela SMD v letu 2023  
  6. Letni finančni načrt za leto 2023 
  7. Publikacije SMD  
  8. Razno 

Z željo, da se na občnem zboru sestanemo v čim večjem številu, vas vse lepo pozdravljamo. 


Upravni odbor SMD