Gastro-intestinal Models for the Study of Probiotics and Prebiotics – Scientific Symposium
Date: 13th June 2011
Place: Doubletree by Hilton Kosice, Slovakia
Chairs: Avrelija Cencic, Koen Venema
The programme of the symposium will focus on the use of GIT models – artificial gut, animal, cell models – in the research of probiotics and prebiotics.
Highlight themes will be the use of models for screening of probiotics and prebiotics and the enhancement of the predictive value of currently used or novel gastro-intestinal models. Current advances and new achievements will be presented and discussed by internationally renowned experts from industry and academia.
It is the goal of the symposium to further explore the potential of already used and novel GIT models in the selection and the mode-of-action research of probiotics and prebiotics.
Further to its scientific content the symposium is a networking event. Abstracts of oral presentations and posters will be published in the official proceedings of IPC2011.
Keywords: GIT models, Artificial Gut, Gastro-intestinal Physiology, Intestinal Microflora